[1] Galen Strawson et al, Consciousness and its Place in Nature: Does Physicalism Entail Panpsychism? (Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2006).
[2] Daniel C. Dennett, Consciousness Explained (London: Penguin, 1991).
[3] Functionalism will be taken to mean that consciousness is determined by sense stimuli and/or behaviour rather than intrinsic qualities.
[4] David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1980).
[5] An understanding of Bohm’s mathematical theorems will, however, form part of my future academic studies, together with political philosophy and economics. The reason for this statement, which I believe needs explaining, is that the worldview Bohm suggests would require something approaching mastery of these disciplines if one were to attempt the new politico-ethical paradigms pointed to in his work. But this is not a hagiography of Bohm. That would be distasteful to your intellect, mine, and no doubt his too. Rather, his ideas should emerge in this dissertation as philosophically compelling in their own right.
[6] “Panpsychism,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, last modified July 18, 2017,
[7] “Physicalism,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, last modified March 9, 2015,
[8] Interestingly, Bohm makes a case for a causal, yet non-deterministic universe. Causality operates down to subatomic levels, but is non-mechanistic via the quantum potential, a “field” of influence. Dennett draws cogent parallels between machines and human intelligence, which I think he is right to do. The limits of his argument will appear in Chapters Two and Three.
[9] Galen Strawson, “Consciousness Isn’t A Mystery. It’s Matter,” The New York Times, February 25, 2018.
[10] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 17.
[11] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 104.
[12] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 17.
[13] Bohm, Wholeness, 196.
[14] Bohm, Wholeness, 196.
[15] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 3.
[16] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 3.
[17] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 5.
[18] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 5 (footnote).
[19] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 4 (Strawson’s italics).
[20] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 5.
[21] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 5.
[22] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 9.
[23] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 9.
[24] Nagel, Mind, 4. (More precisely “psychophysical reductionist”, but this term is shortened in latter mentions).
[25] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 9.
[26] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 20 (Strawson’s italics).
[27] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 20.
[28] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 10.
[29] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 10.
[30] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 12.
[31] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 12.
[32] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 66.
[33] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 66.
[34] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 66.
[35] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 74.
[36] Strawson, Consciousness and its Place, 74-75.
[37] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 31.
[38] “Daniel Dennett on Panpsychism,” YouTube, accessed on January 14th 2018,
[39] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, xi.
[40] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, xi (my bold for emphasis).
[41] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, xi.
[42] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, xi.
[43] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 17.
[44] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 70.
[45] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 17.
[46] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 70.
[47] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 41.
[48] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 310.
[49] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 310. A zimbo is described by Dennett as a zombie that is behaviourally complex. It is a deliberate pun. Thankfully. One needs these when reading Dennett.
[50] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 73.
[51] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 85.
[52] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 87.
[53] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 89.
[54] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 91.
[55] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 91.
[56]Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 92.
[57] Dennett, Consciousness Explained, 111.
[58] F. David Peat, Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm (Reading: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1997), 58. Bohm also joined the Communist Party in November 1942.
[59] Bohm, Wholeness, Editor’s comments on jacket.
[60] Bohm, Wholeness, jacket.
[61] Bohm, Wholeness, 177.
[62] Bohm, Wholeness, 176.
[63] Bohm, Wholeness, 176.
[64] Bohm, Wholeness, 177 (Bohm’s italics).
[65] Bohm, Wholeness, 177 (Bohm’s italics).
[66] Bohm, Wholeness, 176.
[67] Bohm, Wholeness, 175.
[68] Bohm, Wholeness, 175.
[69] Bohm, Wholeness, 175 (Bohm’s italics).
[70] Bohm, Wholeness, 176.
[71] Bohm, Wholeness, 177.
[72] Bohm, Wholeness, 177.
[73] Geoffrey Keynes, William Blake’s Illuminated Book The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (Paris: Oxford/Trianon, 1975), 14.
[74] Bohm, Wholeness, xii.
[75] Bohm, Wholeness, 196.
[76] Bohm, Wholeness, 196.
[77] Bohm, Wholeness, 196.
[78] Bohm, Wholeness, 197.
[79] Bohm, Wholeness, 197.
[80] Bohm, Wholeness, 198.
[81] Bohm, Wholeness, 198.
[82] Bohm, Wholeness, 206.
[83] Bohm, Wholeness, 206.
[84] Bohm, Wholeness, 207.
[85] Bohm, Wholeness, 207.
[86] Bohm, Wholeness, 207.
[87] Bohm, Wholeness, 201.
[88] Bohm, Wholeness, x.
[89] Bohm, Wholeness, x.
[90] Bohm, Wholeness, x.
[91] Bohm, Wholeness, xi.
[92] Bohm, Wholeness, xi.
[93] Bohm, Wholeness, xii.
[94] Bohm, Wholeness, 20.
[95] Bohm, Wholeness, 20.
[96] Bohm, Wholeness, 20.
[97] Bohm, Wholeness, 20.
[98] Bohm, Wholeness, 22.
[99] Bohm, Wholeness, 23.
[100] Bohm, Wholeness, 23.
[101] Bohm, Wholeness, 23.
[102] Bohm, Wholeness, 23.
[103] Bohm, Wholeness, 23.
[104] Bohm, Wholeness, x.
[105] Bohm, Wholeness, 213 (my bold replacing Bohm’s italics).
[106] Bohm, Wholeness, xiv.
[107] Bohm, Wholeness, xiv.
[108] “Study reveals substantial evidence of holographic universe,” Southampton University, accessed February 25, 2018,
[109] “Reversing the thermodynamic arrow of time using quantum correlations,”, accessed February 25, 2018,
[110] Emmanuel Levinas, Otherwise Than Being or Beyond Essence, trans. Alphonso Lingis (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991), 162.
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