Poem 2
A Love Poem
For Elise
Did the flamed Sun arrest Her rise?
And place your Soul’s orb next to mine?
Do the Spheres once more sing and dance?
And Time forgive my arrogant laugh?
My ancient betrayals, my games of pain
These kissing Spheres love Angels again
My punctured skin, lowered to your lips
Your hurt ocean spumes, accepts this bliss
Your caverned mysteries invite me near
Concealed in patience whilst I learned to care
The Dance Eternal - all teachings I rejected
My folly to possess repaid with nought
My fool of false passion- Real Love evicted
The human I was did brag and slaughter
Fat Infinity, blue-bright with tales and tasks
Cool flames new Suns, new Worlds, old Hearts
My forgiving Star argued above
And gave this thief Elise to Love
© Nicholas Webb 2014